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Common Tactics

This section contains information on recent methods used by the criminal network and how they have been mitigated so our members can plan and prevent their industry from crime before it happens.

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Effective Practice Guidance

As the NICRP grows we will harness examples of best practice from across the various industries that our members represent. 

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Infrastructure Crime Guidance

In this section we have assembled documents on asset protection, cable and asset guides, historic asset as well as practical guidance. 

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Legal and Legislation

How the law affects industry and relevant legislation.

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Members Directory of Services

We are working on a directory of services specifically for NICRP members. This is currently under construction.  

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NICRP Metal Crime Awareness Course

For officers and partners that have received our accredited Metal Crime Awareness Course, please see the new documents added in October 2022.

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Problem Profiles & Research

Relevant research and profiles of infrastructure crime.

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Raptor is a unique service offered by the NICRP to police and law enforcement agencies. The initiative provides training and support regarding metal crime including our Metal Crime Awareness Course.  

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Tasking Request Service

The NICRP Tasking Request Service is available to all members - both industry and law enforcement. Please use this simple form to make initial contact for training, operational support or investigation and legislation enquiries. The NICRP can also assist with signposting and problem solving but please note that this is a member only service.

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