It has been identified that there was and still is, a training need when it comes to the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 and in relation to scrap dealer visits, road checks (mobile collectors) and other operational activity including basic environmental legislation. The NICRP has developed training designed to fill this gap.
The classroom training looks at the SMDA 2013 in more detail and broadens the participants understanding of the legislation. It covers catalytic convertor theft, the supply chain, relevant environmental legislation and equips the participants with a greater degree of operational knowledge. It expands on the areas included in the online training and provides an opportunity for active participation and interactive learning. The training is not directed solely at police but is intended to provide learning for partners who are involved in metal crime including licencing bodies and those who support operational activity.
If you feel that your team would benefit from our free training, then please contact Please note that this course is intended for police and law enforcement, however applications are invited from outside this area and will be considered accordingly.
“It was brilliant! I thoroughly enjoyed it and have been telling everyone at the CSU, NTF and the RTF about how brilliant it was! I have learnt a huge amount and I really hope that they do more like it for the future as there are so many opportunities that it can be used. Definitely opened my eyes to scrap metal dealers!” Kent Police